Info­r­ma­tion in acco­r­dan­ce with Section 5 TMG

Ralf Maier
Fran­zi­ska­ner­st­raße 23
41963 Mön­cheng­la­dba­ch

Con­ta­ct Info­r­ma­tion
Tele­pho­ne: +49 (0)171 5 444 222
Inter­net add­re­ss:

VAT number
VAT inden­ti­fi­ca­tion number in acco­ran­ce with Section 27 a of the Ger­man VAT act


Gra­phi­cs and Ima­ge Sou­r­ces

Accoun­ta­bi­li­ty for con­tent
The con­ten­ts of our pages have been crea­ted with the utmo­st care. However, we can­not gua­ran­tee the con­ten­ts』 accu­ra­cy, comple­te­ne­ss or topi­ca­li­ty. Acco­r­ding to sta­tu­to­ry provi­sions, we are fur­ther­mo­re respon­si­ble for our own con­tent on the­se web pages. In this matter, plea­se note that we are not obli­ged to moni­tor the tran­smi­tted or saved info­r­ma­tion of thi­rd par­ties, or inve­sti­ga­te cir­cu­mstan­ces poin­ting to ille­gal activi­ty. Our obli­ga­tions to remove or blo­ck the use of info­r­ma­tion under gene­ra­lly appli­ca­ble laws remain una­ffe­cted by this as per §§ 8 to 10 of the Tele­me­dia Act (TMG).

Accoun­ta­bi­li­ty for lin­ks
Respon­si­bi­li­ty for the con­tent of exter­nal lin­ks (to web pages of thi­rd par­ties) lies sole­ly with the ope­ra­to­rs of the lin­ked pages. No vio­la­tions were evi­dent to us at the time of lin­king. Shou­ld any legal inf­rin­ge­ment beco­me kno­wn to us, we will remove the respe­ctive link imme­dia­te­ly.

Our web pages and their con­ten­ts are subje­ct to Ger­man copy­ri­g­ht law. Unle­ss exp­re­ssly per­mi­tted by law, every form of uti­li­zing, rep­ro­du­cing or pro­ce­ssing wor­ks subje­ct to copy­ri­g­ht pro­te­ction on our web pages requi­res the prior con­sent of the respe­ctive owner of the rig­hts. Indivi­dual rep­ro­du­ctions of a work are only allo­wed for priva­te use. The mate­ria­ls from the­se pages are copy­ri­g­hted and any unau­tho­ri­zed use may vio­la­te copy­ri­g­ht laws.

Que­lle: tran­sla­te-24h Eng­li­sch Über­se­tzun­gen